Yoga & Meditation Sessions
Daily routine of regular Yoga & Meditation sessions
Pracheen Yoga Sessions!
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga is a physical preparation of union and boundlessness that will push you beyond certain limitations and help you understand the mechanism of your physical body. Hatha Yoga will help you channelize your energy into the system to achieve ultimate fitness for your body.
The guided techniques work with body postures; creating a certain environment will drive your energy in certain directions that will bring balance by locking the vital energies in your body. The daily practice of Hatha Yoga can help you achieve stress-free and healthy life. You can observe positive changes in your body, and the slowing age effect is one of them.

Vinyasa is a smooth transition or flow between asanas. The seamless movement from one asana to another using breath is the basic fundamental of Vinyasa. The continuity in the consciousness of motion aligned with breath to attain balance between mind and body is also beneficial your heart.
Vinyasa improves flexibility in your body, mostly in your joints, and helps reduce the risk of injury. It provides relief from your lower back pain by strengthening your deep core muscles. Vinyasa is a dance of life, and with every practice it gets smoother. Vinyasa recognizes the transient nature of things and instructs you to move on from one situation to the next, similar to the movement between asanas. Vinyasa teaches balance.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga is based on the principles of the eight-limbs Yoga. The series of poses executed with the flowing movements between energy and breath to promote focus, mental clarity, and inner peace are the deep-rooted fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga.
The Limbs or Angas of Ashtanga Yoga are moral principles, personal discipline, yoga positions, yogic breathing, withdrawal of senses, concentration, meditation and salvation. The frequency of Ashtanga Yoga is designed to improve your overall wellness, such as stamina, strength, and bodyweight, and also helps you control your blood pressure. Ashtanga Yoga has several benefits for your physical and mental health.

Power Yoga
The speediest and most popular form of yoga is Power Yoga. It is a fitness-based yoga focused on building strength and endurance. Power Yoga is a form of Vinyasa that has its roots in Ashtanga Yoga. Power Yoga is a fast-paced, intense activity just like doing an aerobic and cardio workout together.
Power Yoga is a modern-day yoga that confuses people with the exercise. While exercises are physical and focus on the development of the outer body, Power Yoga helps achieve strength with a stress-free, healthy mind much much faster. Power Yoga burns calories and helps achieve weight loss. Better sleep and a stronger immune system are the proven benefits of Power Yoga.
Pracheen Meditation Sessions!
We, as humans, are always stuck in our past and are unsecured for our future. It is in our subconsciousness that we ignore our present. The past is dead and with every moment, with every choice step, we create a new future. Mindfulness is a deep form of conscious meditation that encourages awareness and helps you remain present in the moment.
One should let go of every negative emotion to achieve a healthy present that will create a positive future. You see, everything is connected. While everything is temporary, only change is permanent in nature. Mindfulness helps you reduce fixation to improve focus and memory.

Elements Sadhana
Your mind and body are connected, and there should be a balance between both. Dharti (Earth), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), Jal (Water), and Akash (Space) are the Five Elements or Panch-Tatva, which have existed in the universe since the beginning of time.
The Panch-Tatva Sadhana is the simplest yet most powerful meditation available to human. Meditation is a medicine for many (if not all) of your problems. Heavy relaxation, gaining control of your senses, positive thought process, connecting to nature and balance in behaviour are some of the many benefits of Elements Meditation.

The idea is to focus your attention on your breathing because the amount of breath is limited. With every inhale and exhale, there is a flow of rhythm that signifies life. Gaining control of your breath is gaining control of your life.
Every meditation starts with breathing, and there are several breathing techniques that, combined with your daily routine of meditation, will help you achieve an immediate sense of relaxation. Stress reduction, alertness, and improvements in immune systems are some of the proven benefits of controlled breathing meditation.

Chakra Dhyana
There are seven energy points throughout your body known as chakras, and these chakras have their own shapes, colors, and mantras (sounds). Your chakras are in charge of all the negative and positive energy flows in your life, whether you created them knowingly or unknowingly.
Shahastrashara, Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, Manipur, Swadhishthana, and Muladhara are the seven chakras, or the seven energy portals that are connected directly to the infinite energies of the universe. Chakra Meditation helps with depression, controlling mood swings, boosting self-esteem, and sleep. You will be able to forgive easily, establish feelings of acceptance and unconditional love.
Plans & Pricing
Yoga & Meditation Session (M)
1,499₹StudioValid for one month- 60 Minutes Session
- Monday to Saturday
Yoga & Meditation Session (Q)
4,499₹Studio / OnlineValid for 3 months- 60 Minutes Session
- Monday to Saturday
Yoga & Meditation Session (H)
8,999₹Studio / OnlineValid for 6 months- 60 Minutes Session
- Monday to Saturday
Yoga & Meditation Session (Y)
17,999₹Studio / OnlineValid for one year- 60 Minutes Session
- Monday to Saturday
Demo Session
9₹StudioValid for 7 days- 2 Free Demo Sessions
- Monday to Saturday
Studio Timing
Yoga Session
06:00 am
60 Minutes Session
Monday to Saturday
Yoga Session
05:00 pm
60 Minutes Session
Monday to Saturday
Yoga Session
07:10 am
60 Minutes Session
Monday to Saturday
Free Trial Sessions
Studio or Online
Time as per availability
Pre-scheduled Classes
Yoga Session
8:45 am
60 Minutes Session
Monday to Saturday
All members are asked to report at least 5 minutes prior to class to avoid disturbance during the session, and online members can join as per the class schedule.